social media


Reach people where they play.

But be genuine and thoughtful about it.


I write social media content tailored to the platform and the audience’s logged-on frame of mind. I create honest and concise content – no one wants to read a meandering paragraph on social media, even on LinkedIn. After all, social media is all about connection and, to do that, I’ll be interesting. Intriguing. Powerful. Authentic.

And I’ll always lead with what your business – and only your business – can do.


Social media campaign:

Hyperloop blog post

The same blog post promoted across three social media platforms. Each builds suspense and encourages readers to ask questions (and to click through for answers). Yet, users approach each platform with a different mindset, which is why I’ve tailored the posts to reach them where they’re at.  

See corresponding blog post >>

Social media campaign:

Prime health Challenge

This is a before-and-after story. In the weeks leading up to the event, I created cross-platform social media posts promoting ticket sales. After, I wrote posts encouraging click-through to a recap of the challenge.

See corresponding blog post >>