

Good writing is great editing. 

Poor grammar, unwieldy sentences, and jargon obscure your message.


I’m great at editing. I’m also ruthless – because content is stronger when it’s clear and correct and easy to read. And that’s the whole point of grammar and style: clarity.

If your reader must clamber over mountains of jargon that might sound meaningful but don’t actually impart meaning, you’ve taken a wrong turn. You need an editor.


These examples are heavy, but they illustrate my point (see left).

I can also do high-level proofing, of course.



Bethpage Success Story

Page 1-2: Final verion

Page 3-4: Line-by-line edits

white paper:

Interactive, Co-Creative Client Reviews 

Page 1-18: Line-by-line edits

Page 19-15: Final version